Friday, October 13, 2006


All right, I should begin. I started this more as a place where I can ramble about knitting, as I have very few people with whom I'm in regular contact who also knit, than because I'm fantastic and want to share. I'm fairly new; I've been knitting off an on for nearly four years, but only regularly for the past year. I've made scarves, a sweater, a pair of socks, a little lace, cables, and am currently working on texture. I think I'm a mixture between a process and an oohshiny! knitter. A bit more of the latter, though I tend to go for doing new techniques in pretty projects.

I am currently working on presents; the Backyard Leaves scarf from Scarf Style and the Hedera socks from Knitty. I have a camera, but it's not within arm's reach, so picture shall have to wait until my next, hopefully more substantial, post.

Monday, October 09, 2006


Yea verily, there will be knitting.